Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My life's playlist.

I was reading a article in a magazine the other day about people and their playlists. It was kind of poking fun at all of us with our infinite playlists on our blogs and ipods, etc. It was pretty insightful, however! It said that we all set our lives to a playlist. You know those special songs that represent times and people in our lives...Your all time favorite songs. It asked you to think about your "Top 5" playlist. Well, It got me thinking, so I had to give it a try. It was a challenge to narrow it to down to 5, but I did it.

Here are my songs. In no particular order. Feel free to listen along.

1- I cross my Heart by George Strait. This has been Buzz and my song since High School. I walked down the aisle to this song and we danced our first dance on our wedding day. I get a little misty-eyed when I hear it.

2-Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Yes, I am the the typical pilot cliche. This is the "Top Gun" song. Whenever I hear a turbine engine spooling up...this song is playing in my head. Every pilot loves this song...and bomber jackets w/ sunglasses ;)

3-Its My Life by Bon Jovi. Its not my playlist without Bon Jovi and this is my favorite Bon Jovi song of all time. No song sums me up like this song.

4-Drift Away by Uncle Cracker. There a ton versions of this classic, but this one is my fav. It is my happy song. Nothing symbolic or poetic. I can just tune out and feel the beat. Its good for the soul.

5-Waiting on a Woman by Brad Paisley. This song reminds me of my Gram and Gramps. They are my picture-perfect love story.

Whats yours?

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